Email Marketing starts with a practical and appropriate Email Marketing Strategy.

The Email marketing strategy changes year by year, and the strategy that worked last year is no longer applicable. Still, according to recent data, there are more than 333 billion Emails sent per day globally. The rate of sending Emails will reach up to 380 billion Emails per day by 2025; by seeing this, we can say that Email is the key to any of the marketing strategies.

Email Marketing Strategy Guide


The fact is, if you are willing to do any online marketing, Email marketing is the go-to marketing platform.

Email marketing exceeds all other kinds of internet marketing, including SEO, PPC, and content marketing!

An email marketing service is a critical component of any marketing strategy. Email is the most cost-effective method to market your goods, engage with consumers, and achieve your business objectives.

And, on average, every dollar spent on email marketing yields more than a $55 return.

Isn’t that good?

As you know, Email Marketing Service is one of the Best Marketing Platforms; do you know, What it is?

Email marketing is a marketing service that helps customers know about details like sales awareness, new products, discounts and many other services through Emails. The small business or start-up has the best marketing platform because promotional emails can help you to grow your business, engage your customers, lead generation and also make aware of your business through Email marketing, as it is one of the most effective, most popular, and one the best marketing platform for all activities and campaigns.

What is Email Marketing

What strategies will you be required to implement in your business to take your campaign to another level? Here are some of the critical strategies to boost your campaign

10 Key Email Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Campaigns

Here we mentioned some strategies for you all. Completely read out every strategy if you want to boost your email campaigns.

Personalise Your Email Messages

“Personalized Email Marketing” does not mean that each subscriber will get a unique message. When discussing personalisation, we use client information to craft a specific message.

If you want to see how personalisation is done well, go as far as Amazon.

Amazon’s Emails are all customised (personalised).

Amazon sees email marketing as more than simply another marketing channel. Essential to the success of the business and the satisfaction of the client. And it is not just Amazon that personalised its email. There are many others who personalisation of Email.

Personalise Amazon Email
Image Source

According to a study by Experian, it is found that personalised emails deliver 6x higher transaction rates!

So it is essential to personalise the Email messages best email marketing campaign.

It’s a proven approach to get more eyes on your email, as 47% of all emails are opened due to the subject line alone.

In addition to including the customer’s name, consider the following guidelines as a starting point for personalisation:

The key to great personalisation is asking for the correct information before you deliver the message. The first step is the registration form.

Personalize Your Email Marketing


  • Personalization in communication is severely hindered without basic information like name, employer, and location. Keep in mind that you should only inquire about data you require instead of data that would simply make you happy. To some extent, this is how GDPR has affected marketing departments.
  • Please provide a valid email address for receiving replies. Using a synonymous email address like undermines the credibility of your communications. You want people to participate in your campaigns and interact with your content. An actual reply address adds authenticity and makes communication feel more personal.
  • Use a genuine email signature, just as you would use an actual reply-to email address, and include any relevant contact information in the email itself, preferably in the email signature. One of the best ways to engage with your readers personally is to make it easy for them to reach out to you.

Clean Your Email List

This is one of the most significant issues everyone faces in email marketing services. It is necessary to make sure that your campaign lands in the customer inbox, so it is known as Email Deliverability. 

So cleaning your Email list is very necessary to reduce deliverability issues.

Why and How you should clean your Email List


Do you know what is Email list cleaning?  

When contacts on your contact list don’t interact with your emails for an extended period, or if people unsubscribe, it’s time to clean the list.

It’s natural to wonder, “What good can come from erasing contacts?” I put in a lot of time and effort to expand my customers!

That’s right on! If you want to get the most out of your marketing efforts to build your email list, you need occasionally remove inactive subscribers. You may improve the quality of your contact list by deleting inactive users, those who have unsubscribed from receiving your messages, those who have reported your messages as spam, and those whose emails have bounced.

Your email’s reputation as a sender and its overall deliverability will benefit long-term from this.

Although it goes against common sense, a crucial part of any successful email marketing campaign is regularly removing old, inactive email accounts.


Optimised Your Subject Title

For every customer, the first thing they will see is a subject title. 

According to the observation that 40% of email subscribers open emails based on the subject title, it needed more was not enough. They would not click through it.

Optimize Your Email Subject Line


This is why you should invest time in the subject title; this can be the reason for lots of clicks or zero clicks. 

Nowadays, competition is high in inboxes; people simultaneously deliver dozens of marketing emails. So your work is to make your email stand out but not arrive as extremely promoted.

Some points you have to consider are here

  • Make sure it is readable( keep it up to 40-60 characters).
  • Use adequate, action-oriented words.
  • Create expectations for the body of the email.
  • Use the customer’s or subscriber’s name in the content for a more personalised email.

Optimised Your CTA’s (Calls-To-Actions)

CTAs (Calls-To-Actions) significantly impact your email’s click-through rates. Consequently, your conversion rates as well. Spending time on your CTAs will pay off in the form of more visitors and, ultimately, more purchases than weak CTAs, resulting in fewer visitors.

How to Create Call To Action (CTA)


Aim to pick a language appealing enough for subscribers to click on when experimenting with buttons and text CTAs.

You can utilise the following email marketing tips to strengthen your CTAs:

  • Start by using a powerful command verb, such as “shop,” “purchase,” or “download.”
  • Evokes feelings.
  • Give your subscriber a cause to click, such as “purchase now to receive 70% off.”
  • Tap into FOMO by saying things like “limited offers—few seats remain!”
Using Precise Language in CTA's

Using precise language in CTAs is another great practice. In particular, for your higher-level CTAs, you want to offer your subscribers a clear picture of where you’re sending them.

For instance, your CTA might say, “Check out our summer collection,” The link should lead directly to this area of your website if you’re promoting a brand-new product line.

Provide Value Every Time

The next very essential, important & essential step for the best Email Marketing campaign; is to provide valuable time to your customer or subscriber is more likely to see & consistently open and read your emails.

Provide Valuable Time to Your Customer or Subscriber


Who exactly someone will “provide value”?

Build your email strategy according to what customer wants from you. Think that you are an e-commerce retailer and the main point for your customer is to try the item before they purchase it. So your responsibility is to solve the problem in your Email marketing strategy.

Solving the customer’s problem by providing custom links and buttons according to their problem is called providing value to your customer or subscribers. And the emails about New launches and promotions also consider providing value, but as they are used to this type of content, they do not consider it as providing value.

To avoid assuming your subscribers’ content preferences, try polling them directly. Right now, you can choose between a few different paths:

  • When signing up for your email list, give potential readers a chance to specify the topics they’re most interested in reading about.
  • Take a poll of your customer interaction to find out what it is they want from you and keep track of any shifts in their tastes.
  • Encourage readers to share their thoughts and opinions by replying to your emails.

And when we are talking about providing value to your customers or subscribers, accessibility is one of the essential points to be viewed. If your mail is not seen properly, then there would be no point in providing value. These are the two points you have to keep in mind for the best email marketing service;

  1. User-friendly Email
  2. Easy-to-Read Email

Send Emails at The Best Time

Send the emails when your customer is most likely to check their email inbox. If you aim to send the email during working hours, send it between 9-6 rather than on Saturday or Sunday morning.

Best Time to Send Email

You can even experiment with sending emails randomly and observe the logging up and click-through rate. Many Email Marketing Tools can help you analyse the data of your email and can help you with sending email time to your customer.

Connect to Social Media (The Best Email Marketing Platform)

The social media platform is one of the most important, essential and effective components of the Email marketing strategy & also the best Email marketing platform! There are plenty of ways to interact with social media & Email marketing together to boost your business or brand.

For a startup, you should use CTAs in your Email newsletters or campaign page for social media. Email content can be shared on social media, depending on the promotion.

Best Marketing Platforms - Social Media


Social media is also an excellent strategy to expand your email list. Once you’ve created an email signup form, you can spread it using the same “publish on social media” capability to build your audience across channels.

In contrast, providing social media links in a welcome email to new subscribers is an excellent approach to introducing your audience through various platforms.

Share Email with User Generated Content 

In digital marketing platforms, the content should be User-generated. As word of mouth is a powerful tactic in the marketing field. Because if your subscribers see that they are enjoying and loving your brand and product, they will be more inclined to see it.

Use #(hashtags) and Encourage Your Customers

The interactive things you can use for user-friendly content are customer photos, reviews, videos and stories; it can help you to increase click-through and create a sense in the community. You can also use #(hashtags) and encourage your customers to tag you on their social media pages and feature your page.

User-generated content is the bridge between you and your customers. So to feature user-friendly content is very important to expand your brand community.


Start Trigger Based Campaigns

Do you know what Trigger-based campaigns are? It is to send the Email based on the action customer takes. For example, if you link an Email and it follows up to send more than 3-4 emails to the customer or client and click on the link, that will increase click-through.   

Email can also be work received. If you send an email to your customer or subscriber, they might not click on it, but if you send some question-related or engaging content email, they might click on them.

Using trigger-based campaigns, you can keep in touch with your subscribers with timely and valuable information. Keep in touch with your audience based on how they interact with your business rather than blasting them all with the same monthly newsletter and weekly promotional Email.

How We Handle Email by Marketing Automation Software

What’s even better? All emailing is handled automatically by marketing automation software. It’s as simple as establishing the appropriate conditions for action. Check out this article I wrote about automated email campaigns to get started.

Three distinct categories of automatic emails can be set up in this manner:

  • Follow-up emails are automatically sent to customers based on their actions, such as viewing a specific page on your website, clicking a link in an email, or making a purchase.
  • Demographic triggers are helpful for things like delivering birthday greetings to subscribers through Email.
  • Time-based triggers help trigger re-engagement campaigns, re-ordering notifications, and reminders for clients whose subscriptions are about to expire.

Analysis and Track of Metrics

Analyzing and tracking the reach, click-through rates, and open email data is necessary. But as far as to know, the metrics of Email marketing are like climbing the peak of Mount Everest.

Tracking your email marketing efforts’ performance helps you improve them. 

Tracking your email marketing efforts' performance

There are many best tools available for Email marketing to check the performance and to trace the metrics. These points affect the Email marketing strategy; Unsubscribe, bounce, and cart abandonment rates.


12 Best Email Marketing Tools To Automate Email Marketing

1. MailChimp

Mail Chimp Logo


MailChimp tool is the Email Marketing specialist. Because of its minimal cost of entry, MailChimp has been a leader in email marketing for quite some time. 

This platform is straightforward to use, making it ideal for novices. It allows you to construct lists from scratch, import subscribers, personalise your emails, and track them all from the same platform.

Email Marketing Tool - Mail chimp

You may use it to improve your calls to action to attract more subscribers. Additionally, they provide a plethora of high-quality newsletter formats for email distribution. 


2. HubSpot

Automated Marketing Platform - Hubspot


HubSpot Email Marketing is one of the best software for automated marketing platforms, and it has recently launched a Free Email marketing service tool. It has effortless access and also helps to promote your campaign.

It has many ready-made implement and drag and drops features to go and run immediately. The native integration of this tool is forever free from CRM.

Operations Hub Feature


Once you log into HubSpot email marketing, you will get access to both tools, which provide a content database, track your email, organise the list, and manage it. HubStop delivers the best Free Email Marketing Service; you can get the paid version if required.


3. Sendinblue

Sendinblue is one of the Best Email Marketing Software available, as it provides multiple features in one, such as Automation Marketing, Email Marketing, SMS, Chats, landing pages, CRM and many more.

Sendinblue - Best Email Marketing Software


You can also store unlimited contacts of subscribers and send up to 200-300 emails daily in the free plan. And if you have more Emails to send, you can use the paid version. And can set up your whole setup of Email marketing in one place.

4. Sender

Looking for the most affordable software? So Sender is the best Email Marketing Software, which has all the features in one package and can email and SMS campaigns simultaneously. So please check it because the Sender tool is a 100% Free Email Marketing specialist tool. 

Bridge Between your Email Lists and Revenue - Sender


Everyone doesn’t have access to every feature. Still, the premium version includes features such as segmentation and automation workflow and offers access to rich ready to send pop up, forms and email newsletters.

It is the tool that focuses on inbox delivery and also has a no-spam policy at the backend.

5. Benchmark Email

Benchmark Email is the best Email marketing software for designing user-friendly Emails to look great on every device. You can add images, stickers, effects, and engaging text to the Email. Send effective messages and approach the customer. 

Benchmark - Best Email Marketing Software


It also has many templates according to different fields, types, and occasions and a dual feature that will edit the Email while simplifying the editing process. 

 6. Send Pulse 

SendPulse_Email Marketing

SendPulse is an automatic marketing powerhouse. You can create custom email templates, and subscription forms can segment your subscribers.

Sendpulse - Multi Channel Marketing


It pushes your website notifications and chatbot messages and can automate SMS.

7. Omnisend

Omnisend is the software that helps to reboot your email but does not sacrifice user-friendliness.

Increase Your sale not Workload - Omnisend


It is also the complete package of email marketing tools, including drag-and-drop visual builders, tonnes of email templates, automating your email workflow and the email capture tool.

8. Easy Sendy

It is a hybrid Email Marketing Software. Helps you to drip the Email campaign, autoresponder to your email, and even build and run your email campaigns.

Email Marketing Software - EasySendy


It also has many other features like segmentation, many templates for email forms, email list management, and many more. 

9. CoverKit

Creators Marketing Platform - Convertkit


CoverKit is the software which increases your audience growth, automates the entire Email process, automates your business and helps you to sell the product. And also analyse your Email metrics, build up the options in the form for your reader or customers and many more.

10. Motion Mail

Motion Mail is the best Email Marketing Software optimised and helped you add a countdown timer to your emails as the timer increases the urgency and traffic to your emails.

Countdown Timer to Your Emails - Motion Mail


They are also great tools that will help you create unique content for your suspense or announcement of any new launch or product launch.

11. Drip

Email Marketing Automation Platform - Drip

Drip is a modest Email marketing tool and is very easy for modern marketers to access. It focuses on personalising the email and automating it. And also allows you to automatically send emails to first-time buyers, shopping cart abandoners, repeat customers, and other promising prospects.

12. Shopify Email

Shopify has introduced a new feature for email marketing known as Shopify Email, which helps you connect with your customers and subscribers.

Shopify Email - Best Newly Launched Features for E-commerce

It also has a static analysis feature for measuring the effectiveness and the opening and click-through email rate. It has tonnes of ready-made templates for creating forms. Shopify email marketing tool is of the best newly launched features for e-commerce. 


5 Examples of Email Marketing Specialists for Campaigns

1. Jet Blue

The Email marketing of Jet Blue has the best way of convincing the customer, with friendly personality content and airline jokes. They have great humour from the header to every paragraph.

Email Marketing of Jet Blue


2. Netflix

It is multiple streaming channels in today’s time. Like many streaming services, Netflix has reached many target audiences globally. Netflix has personalised their emails according to the watch history of the customers. And also suggests many visuals according to your watch history.

Netflix Email

3. Uber

The Uber emails are charming, simple and easy to understand. As their customer is ready to go at a specific time and all are different, their content is simple and easy to understand. And as it has mobile users, they take care of that in their email and create it mobile-friendly.

Uber Welcome Email


4. Adidas

Adidas has been one of the best iconic brands globally. The reason for their email marketing is that personalised emails are crucial for their successful marketing campaigns.

Their target is to reach customers worldwide by sending emails targeting the specific interest and the liking of the customer and subscribers.

Adidas Welcome Mail


5. Airbnb

Airbnb is a home-sharing space. It personalised the content according to every viewer and their interest. The use of subject lines is excellent in their email, which catches the attention of the viewer who visits after listening to the other and their subscriber.

Airbnb Welcome Mail


As you know, Email marketing is one of the best marketing platforms. This guide is simple but effective steps you can take to make the most of your marketing strategy and campaign. As Email is the key to any marketing strategy and campaign. And if you need any assistance with Email Marketing Strategies to boost your campaigns to another level, WEBSERVX is here to assist you in your Email marketing campaigns. We have located our agency in Ahmedabad, Gujarat; is one of the Best Digital Marketing Agencies in India.