To rank your website on Google we have the perfect recipe, although it takes a little time we assure you this is the definite guide


We will use five methods to increase the rank of your website.


five ways to improve website ranking


The number one driver of your search engine rankings is quality, authoritative content, and there is no alternative for outstanding content, especially when it comes to SEO marketing. Quality content that is explicitly made for you to your target audience boosts website site traffic which as a result boosts your site’s authority and relevancy. Sharpen your web writing abilities and establish yourself as an expert on the subject you’re writing about or take the help of experts like WebservX.




Keywords in your content are most important to rank your website


For each authoritative content page on your website, identify and target a single keyword phrase. Consider how your visitor may find that page using search phrases such as online masters in greenhouse development services.


How do I set up a greenhouse farm?


How much money do greenhouse farmers make?


How much does it cost to start a greenhouse farm?


How much will my greenhouse cost?


Getting a web page to rank in search engines for many keyword phrases is exceedingly difficult unless the keywords are very similar. For both “greenhouse company” and “greenhouse company,” a single page may rank. It’s improbable that a single page can rank for “greenhouse company” and “greenhouse development” or “greenhouse maintenance”


If you want your website to rank for numerous keyword phrases, you’ll need to create a different page for each term you wish to target.




By Placing keywords properly in your content


Consider the following questions once you’ve selected a keyword phrase for a certain page:


Is it possible to include part or all of the keyword phrases in the page URL (through keywords in folders)?


Is it okay if I include part or all of the keyword phrases in the title of the page?


Is it OK to utilize part or all of the keyword phrases in the page headers and subheadings?


Yes, answers to these questions can help you rank higher in search engines. However, keep it genuine and approachable. For example, you don’t want the term “greenhouse” to appear three times or the phrase “Northern Lights” to appear in the page header and every heading. Search engine optimization still loses out on readability and usability.




By high-quality Content


What has the most impact on search engine results? Content, neither the URL, title, nor headers. Repeating your keyword phrase a few times across the page—once or twice in the first and last paragraphs, then two to four more times throughout the rest of the text. Make a strong impression. Link to important sources and supplementary information strategically, both inside your organization’s main website and to other beneficial websites.


To emphasize these keyword words, use bold, italics, header tags (particularly an H1), and other emphasis tags—but don’t go overboard. Your language and writing style should always read organically & naturally. So in order to rank your website on Google, you must have content of the highest quality




2. Updating Your Content Regularly for better ranking


You’ve probably noticed how passionate we are about content. Search engines are no exception. Keep in mind that constantly updated content is one of the best indicators of a site’s relevancy, so make sure it’s current. Audit your material on a regular basis (every semester, for example) and make any necessary modifications.




Writing additional material on your departmental news blog that is rich in keyword phrases might also help you improve your search engine rankings. Even shorter updates regarding the specific themes you’re targeting can be used as blog entries. When it helps the reader get a better image or more information about the issue, interlink your related CMS webpages and blog entries.


3. Metadata


Type of meta data


Each page on your website has a place between the tags where you may include metadata or information about the page’s contents. If you have a CMS site that was built by the UMC web team, this data will be pre-populated for you. However, as your site evolves, it’s critical that you analyze and update information.




Meta title


The page titles that appear at the top of a browser window and as the headline inside search engine results are both determined by title metadata. It’s the most crucial piece of info on your page.




Meta Description


Descriptive metadata is the textual description that a browser may use in your page search result. Consider it your website’s window display—a succinct and enticing representation of what’s inside with the purpose of getting visitors to come in. An excellent meta description usually consists of two whole phrases. Although search engines may not always use your meta description, it is critical to provide them with the choice.




Keyword Metadata


Search engine rankings are seldom, if ever, based on keyword information. However, since you should already be familiar with your keyword phrases, it isn’t necessary to provide them in your keyword information. You’ll want to use a wide range of phrases. As a general guideline, limit yourself to 3-7 sentences, each of which should have 1-4 words. “Computer science degree” is a wonderful example.




4. Having a link-worthy site – the best way to generate links without efforts


By including relevant links within the content, you may increase your authority and trustworthiness. Write Proper CTAs. “Click here” has no search engine value beyond the connected URL, however “best Greenhouse Development companies” is keyword-rich and will increase both your and the page you’re connecting to’s search engine rankings. Always utilize descriptive links by linking keywords or webpages—it not only helps your SEO, but it also helps your readers, especially those with disabilities or who use screen readers.




5. Using alt tags in images for ranking on Google images


We always use alt tags, or alternative text descriptions, to explain your picture and video files. They make it possible for search engines to find your page, which is critical for folks who use text-only browsers or screen readers.




How to Rank Your Website on Google: Easy Tactics to Know


How to rank your brand website


1. Starting title tags with your target keyword:


With the perfect term, your company/product might appear right at the top of the Google search results page, bringing a flood of visitors to your website. A poorly chosen or incorrect keyword, on the other hand, might make your site’s chances of being prominent much more remote than before.


Because the title of an article identifies its content, a keyword-rich title has more weight than Google. The closer a term is to the start of the title tag, the greater weight it has with search engines. You can see this in action by going to Google and searching for the competitive term. 




2. Dropping Keywords in the first 100 words:


Within the first 100 words of a post, the best spot to start placing keywords. Many people come easily with these, however, a huge proportion of bloggers prefer a long introduction before mentioning a keyword. This is not a good idea for the obvious reason that Google will not consider it relevant in search results.


At the start of the article, the keyword “content marketing” was utilized. By including a keyword at the beginning of the content, Google will have an easier time determining the piece’s topic and relevancy.




3. Using Outbound Links:


Outbound links demonstrate to Google that the article is both genuine and useful, which are both important ranking factors. As a result, if you haven’t already, make sure to include outbound links in each of your posts. Simply make sure the links are relevant to your content and come from reliable, high-quality sites.




4. Writing click-worthy meta descriptions for each page:


Next to your title tag and URL, meta descriptions are one of the most significant and visible factors that persuade users to click through.


Make sure your meta descriptions are engaging and helpful if you want traffic to your most recent content and for your website to run smoothly. Within the 150-word limit, they should be according to search intent & with the best copies that grab users’ attention.


Remember that after reading the meta description of a specific result, you, too, clicked on it. Your audience has the same mindset. Pay attention to the meta descriptions, and the results will come to you organically.




5. Putting your target keyword in the URL:


Because keywords are the foundation of on-page SEO, you must pay close attention to them. There’s no need to leave them out of your URLs. Inclusion has many advantages. When you incorporate the desired keyword into the URL, you provide Google with another reason and method to consider your post more relevant for a certain term.




6. Adding keywords to your post strategically for better ranking


The success of a post and the amount of network traffic to a website are both dependent on intelligent keyword placement. It’s no longer enough to pack articles with keywords at random and hopes for relevance in the search results as search engines get more sophisticated.


Take a look at how the Content Marketing Institute has used a relevant term – content marketing – to improve one of their blog entries.


Your SEO performance now depends on the strategic placement of said keywords.


Keep in mind that keywords should not be forced. Place them where they belong.




7. Posting Long Content & guides is the best way to rank Your Website On Google


Longer content has been demonstrated in studies to aid with Google ranking. Every piece should aim for a word count of roughly 2000 words, with a minimum of 1000 words. This would eventually result in long-tail traffic, increasing the visibility of your website.


Longer content not only aids in the inclusion of additional keywords but also places a natural focus on information. Longer language boosts the legitimacy of content, which means Google will see it as more relevant than shorter and more succinct text. Because long-tail keywords are increasingly associated with search patterns, a lengthier text increases the odds of your article/website being ranked higher.




8. Taking Advantage of Internal Linking


Internal linking is important for a website’s bounce rate and SEO since it connects the many pages of a domain. Users/viewers stay on a website longer as link juice is shared, and site traffic improves as a result. It enhances the user’s navigating experience. Not to mention the fact that it will help to lower your website’s bounce rate.


The bounce rate is the percentage of people that view only one page before leaving the main page. Internal linking that is simple and easy to use will automatically reduce this since readers will be routed to other related items.


Google bots are also used to analyze your website by simulating user behaviour patterns. Crawlers can locate sections of your site that aren’t commonly visited by visitors thanks to a clever and efficient network of links on the pages, which boosts your site’s score.


When you visit one of Wikipedia’s pages, you’ll see how well they use internal linking.


Every entry has keyword-rich internal links.


But don’t go overboard. I advocate a simpler (and safer) approach: anytime you write a new post, link to 2-4 previous ones.




9. Image Optimization – the best way to rank your website On Google images


Make sure that the file names for the images on your website include the desired keyword. Your target term should also appear in the Alt Text of your image. This will improve your article’s optimization and give search engines a clearer picture of the article’s/relevance. page’s Images are an important part of any website because they make pages more visually appealing while also providing useful information. Your ranking should improve as a result of optimizing your photographs. In addition, a Google image search will give your image a high ranking.




10. Target less competitive – longtail keywords to rank fast


Long-tail keywords are more targeted and less competitive than short-term keywords. If you have just started your SEO campaign for a brand-new website, then we would definitely recommend concentrating on long-tail keywords.




You can’t have your new website ranked with a single-word keyword. Trying to optimize your new blog to rank for “greenhouse” is hardly possible.


As you can see in the figure above, Search Engine Land and Wikipedia rank first and second, respectively, for the keyword SEO. This term has a total of 51,70,00,000 search results. It’s a massive figure.


Is it time for you to give up and quit?


Certainly not! Long-tail keywords and effective page optimization come into play at this point.


Long-tail variations of the single term “SEO” should be targeted.


In your new SEO campaign, you may, for example, target “basic SEO recommendations for beginners.” This is a less competitive long-tail term than “SEO.”


Two things to remember are to make the keyword as long as possible and to use proper keyword research tools that will definitely benefit you, which is why we have invested so much in paid tools such as Semrush & Ahrefs.




Now that know how to rank your website on Google, but it seems rather difficult, tedious or expensive? Get a quote now from WebservX one of the best SEO agencies to rank your website on Google